News Pal™

VoiceSee™ News Pal™ is the first totally hands-free and eyes-free newspaper application for your Android mobile phone or tablet.  Imagine…

  • Reading your favorite newspaper commuting to work.
  • How pleasant it will be to listen to online digital media after enjoying a calm and relaxed breakfast instead of fast and furious headline scanning.
  • Having the opportunity to take your daily power walk while listening to the latest news

VoiceSee News Pal gives you more choices to enjoy the things you routinely strive for in your life.

Use your voice to tell The New York Times which section to read. Speak to navigate through the previews, articles and sections via voice only – no need to use your eyes either, because Sadie (the voice of VoiceSee) will be reading you, the entry’s content. All you have to do is listen.

Enjoy the “Dick Tracy” access to Internet – ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. This is unlike anything you have seen before: Siri doesn’t read you websites. VoiceSee does! Screen readers don’t listen. VoiceSee does!

As an added bonus, you can say: “Google!” and you will hear News Pal prompting you for the search term. You can visit any website using News Pal, just like any web browser.

Note: although you can visit any website using News Pal, it is currently optimized for the following sites only: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Onion. Based on your feedback, it will support other news websites — Please tell us which ones you want to access via News Pal.





Android (version 2.2 and higher)

Software Requirements:

Google Voice Search must be installed on the Android phone.  Note: most devices are already equipped with Google Voice Search. Otherwise, it can be freely downloaded from Google Play.

To fully enjoy our unique technology, we highly recommend that you install a natural text-to-speech voice, available on Google Play. The following are two examples of such voices:



Try Us today with a free download.